Saturday, November 17, 2012

Continent of the ninth player Reviews Ice Queen PK brush Fig.

Players "bloody point it really" Review:

This point does not know is biased the PK or brush Figure.

Impact I think points 1 point, because of the knockdown effect. Hop hit this skill if not, hit the remote vocational less a trick.

Crit 10% do not, then how your jewelry allocation. I think Rye minimum requirements crit is 50, cast 50 soul 60 crit magic 60. (1)

Baby throwing stones fill this baby is very powerful, but the cooling time is 180 seconds, PK time round, certainly not timely supply.

Frozen Sword, I think it should be thrown away, almost negligible damage, freezing is less than ideal, the cooling time is too long, SP too.

Terror of the sword, I feel the need to +1, because this is the only broken front anti interrupted, floating skills.

Frosting step of the skills that I think should brush survival, some individual silly BOSS, PK field and melee class career, can be used on.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Panda Man of Mystery the: cloud Xianglong Knights prestige Raiders

1, the cloud Sunlong Knights prestige can be considered the most important one of the prestige of "Panda mystery", because only when you this prestigious rushed to worship, to learn to cloud Xianglong Riding to buy and riding Xiang dragon class horse. (1)

2,5.0 jewelry new horse gemstone agate cheetah drawings is also a cloud Xianglong Knights prestige worship before purchase. (2)

3, all of the day-to-day tasks reward two the secondary good luck talisman, an assembly of 90 to finish the regular weekly tasks elderly luck talisman, three elderly Lucky Charm Lucky Charm lets you randomly team this additional pickup opportunity.
Reputation open the way
When you reach 90, you will receive the main city in Jinxiu Gu task "cloud the Xianglong Knights" want you to go to the the emerald forest 100 wooden garden to find day Jing coach. To take up this task, you will open cloud the Grand Knights prestige and reputation to reach friendly. (3)

Quartermaster position
100 Wood Park in emerald forest, you can find Cloud Grand Knights Quartermaster Sa Ann red scales. (4)

Day-to-day tasks open way
Find days wattle coach delivery finished the task, you will receive a series of one-time task (the following tasks is basic in Rinpu Island), finished to open daily. (5)

First step: the situation is out of control (500 prestigious non-Guild Reputation addition, the same below)
Step 2: takes the plunge, the empty nest, collect dragon eggs (each 1000 Reputation)
Step 3: Select the dragon eggs (500 reputation)
Step 4: Knight Tour / Knight tour / Knight Tour (500 reputation)
Step 5: · (1500 Reputation)
After completing the above tasks, officially opens cloud of Xianglong Knights daily ~
These tasks are done, your reputation should be respectable 0:00 Association prestige addition respectable 600 points.

Revered reputation ago
Cloud Xianglong Knights of the day-to-day tasks are then at 100 Wood Park. These daily tasks can probably be divided into four categories: the growth class daily tasks (each 450 prestige), ordinary day-to-day tasks (450 reputation), associate professionals daily (125 reputation), day-to-day (600 prestigious elite monster kill).
Growth class the day-to-day tasks and ordinary day-to-day tasks a day two, possibly two are to grow daily, may two are the ordinary day-to-day, and also may each one; associate professionals daily daily fixed number, depending on you practice a few para-professional, and a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 4; elite monster kill ordinary course of a day.
Revered reputation before you daily maximum received seven daily tasks (provided that we can receive four auxiliary professional day-to-day tasks) finished 2000 Reputation Association prestige addition 2200 prestige.
At the same time, if your daily insists on doing all the day-to-day tasks, it takes about six days can be revered reputation.
Grow daily (each 450 prestige):
Whelp the growth task, random daily 1-2:
Sweet as honey (bees kill one hundred wooden garden), you want to seize the heart, stomach (kill Rinpu the tiger on the island) was the first to seize the ball game! To clean up the droppings.
Ball game! : Use the ball can be thrown Whelp small landing top it, the next thing you need to come to the ball placement (circular shadows), so the ball fall to you automatically bombs from this even if successful then a repeat 8 times.
Clean-up stool: Behind the house next task many insects, around the middle of that stool.
Ordinary day-to-day
100 Wood Park days Jing the coach or Ningna · black wheels give random daily 1-2:
To disarm (Harpoon collected in Rinpu Island), to restore balance (the kill Rinpu Island lizard people), Lin Jing phobia (the kill Rinpu Island Dryad)
Associate professionals daily
The four auxiliary class professional day-to-day tasks, the following tasks depending on the daily number you practice a few para-professional, and whether these auxiliary expertise of more than 500.
These tasks given by 100 Wood Park Jie Nova long project.
Gustatory feast (cooking), Fragments of the Past (Archaeology), bruising (first aid), sumptuous meal (phishing).
Elite monster kill daily
Every day there is an elite monster kill task as to your last challenge. Given the task from the elders by 100 Ann Wood Park.
Revered reputation after
Revered reputation, Tian Jing coach Baicaoyuan where there will be a new one-off series of tasks to you:
The first step: grow faster than weeds (200 reputation)
Step two: flight training: through the cloud ring (400 reputation)
The third step: flight training: full speed ahead (600 reputation)
Step Four: Flight Training: familiar track (1200 prestige)
Task requires you to visit a hot air balloon (touch above banner), and if you did not know, to see where there are ribbons will be able to find a hot-air balloon toward the ribbon to put an
After completion of the above four-step task, the day-to-day tasks, there has been new changes, new flight training class daily. Day-to-day tasks can be broadly divided into five categories: trainer trials daily (each 450 prestige), growing class daily (450 reputation), ordinary day-to-day (450 reputation), auxiliary professional day-to-day (125 reputation), the elite monster kill daily (600 reputation).
Revered reputation, every day you can receive 7-8 daily tasks (provided that we can receive four auxiliary professional day-to-day tasks), 2000-2450 prestige finished Association prestige addition 2200-2695 prestige.
If you every day to complete all of the day-to-day tasks, takes about 9-11 days can Exalted Association prestige bonus 8-9 days to worship.
Growth daily
Growth classes daily some new task appears:
Feeding time (the go Rinpu island kill turtle picking meat), Dragonscale mushroom cuisine ball game! , Sweet as honey, want to seize the heart, was the first to seize the stomach, clean up feces
Ordinary day-to-day
Such daily now also increases the part can occur task:
Deadly spider web, suspicions clouds weeping widow spider: these tasks are going to spider weeping cave completed
No wine would not be happy, naughty monkey, save Xianglong: These tasks are going to be separated and the spider the weeping cave a bridge of Monkey Cave completed.
Protect the dragon egg, disarmament, to restore balance: go Rinpu Island lizard man camp to find a dragon egg, harpoon and kill lizards.
Wearing the wrong shoes, dryads phobia, Yanghuweihuan to: go Rinpu Island kill tigers and Dryad, and pick up the shoes.
Empty nests: NPC to your Sisheng to small Whelp leash, and then back to the lair not far from the edge of the Tong coach.
Auxiliary professional daily unchanged
Elite monster kill daily the same
Flight class daily
Revered reputation, flight training with the of Feng Ren coach you, the new day-to-day tasks of the trials class trainer also open:
Trainer trials: ace long claws
Test of the trainer: Great Treasure
Trainer trials: Ningsu · black wheels
Trainer trials: Honey Qi Su
Trial of the trainer: Kui Lu · browed
You need to do is go to war and the village NPC dialogue, and then beat them.
Flight competitive race
Every weekend the Grand Knights will hold a flight competition after when you prestige reached reverence can participate:
This game is actually not difficult, as long as the prior day Jing coach to teach you the mission when you looked seriously on the line, the key points: 1, according to the flagpole judge route, do not get lost; 2, as much as possible to drill cloud circle to maintain body acceleration BUFF.
PS: If you are the first time to participate, not familiar with the route, I suggest the beginning followed by large forces to fly, eat circle, wait until the last minute solo.
Different rewards depending on the achievement after completing the game:
Courage Commendation: first, the courage to Commendation: second, courage Commendation: third, courage Commendation: fourth courage Commendation: fifth, courage Commendation: sixth

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Aion3.5 village upgrade Raiders

   I 6 district, yesterday morning, the days of family shut-eye, boring to go to the village task do.
Village upgraded divided into five. 1 - 2, Adman metal ores, is the kind of proficiency 200P mining the metal, five at a time, you need to do 10 times, everyone, however, can only be done once a day, so the trumpet friends can change phone numbers do.
2 - 3, this stage requires the most junior furniture refined stone and subordinate furniture refining stone, the most junior three, a two subordinates, to do 20,. . . The not updated profiteers go and sweep these stones.
3 - 4, this stage requires a task called Gold Sand items, this is a residential area acquisition was a chance out, do not worry, the chance is still quite large, five each made ​​a total of 30 times.
4 - 5, at this stage to do two tasks, a collection of sacred fertile soil, this article is Audrey Leah out, done D8 know the mining aroma that Audrey Gloria, is that the same demand 5 each time, to do 40 times; another task only once, but the task props a bit harsh, called the season of light, is playing a big tree broke, so the game time each month only an opportunity missed just wait for the next month
Incidentally Legion upgrade tasks SD always entire players, Legion upgrade tasks I only know 5 l 6, hit 6 times 25 abyss this revolutionary group 12 35 FB, 42 TMS